
Go Beyond The Usual

Hidden places worth finding

“The stories that stick with you through the years are most commonly those about the unexpected places and experiences you happen to run into. Not the impressive tourist attractions, but the unique, hidden gems, unusual places and experiences create the most valuable memories.”

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5 Hidden Gems we’ve added to our Treasure Map

Did you know that we gather all the hidden gems we find on our Treasure Map? Since we started, we’ve added well over 100 surprising locations in more than 20 countries! We’ve recently added five new secret places in four countries for…

Essential tent camping tips for beginners #1: How to prepare

We’re suckers for camping and we are heading back to France for another three weeks of it very soon! There’s just something about spending basically all your time outside surrounded by nature that is hard to equal. Since we both have quite…

Visiting the abandoned Mina Aqueronte Iron Mine in Murcia, Spain

If you’ve made your way over to this blog, we probably don’t have to explain our enthusiasm towards places like this abandoned iron mine in Murcia in Southern Spain. We’re always looking for places exactly like the Mina Aqueronte; hidden away, no…

7 Hidden gems we found in Paris

This June, we spent a few days exploring France’s amazing and seemingly endless capital city. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, you name it, we saw it. But if you know us a bit by now, you can’t be surprised that we looked…

Hidden places in Paris: 3 Galleries to visit

The center of Paris is full of centuries-old buildings with impressive facades, but as a tourist you rarely get to see the inside of one of the buildings other than the main tourist buildings. There are however a few hidden gems, if…


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